Friday, March 6, 2009

The best days are now

I confess I'm lonely today. True, I am constantly surrounded by people it's just that those people can't speak or if they do it's one word sentences. I'm lonely for an adult conversation. I'm not really a big people person but I do enjoy getting together with close friends.
Today I longed for days gone by when I would have sleep-overs with friends painting our nails and experimenting with new hairdos (and don'ts). I miss being as silly as I used to be. I read a friend's blog today and it hit me that we haven't really talked in quite a while and I noticed how much I miss her.

My mom's answer to the question "what was your favorite age of your children?" was "I enjoyed my children at every age."
Arwen is growing up right before my eyes. I bought the next size up in diapers today and I wouldn't want to miss out on these important mile stones just because I was lonely for a day.

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