Friday, December 9, 2011

Baby Shower ~ Cranberry

This will look fantastic after the baby is born. I'll come back and add the final picture sometime in January. Anyway, all the guests signed a white onesie. I have a shadow box, an extra invitation and waiting for a 4x6 picture of the baby in the onesie. Fantastic!

I used vases with popcorn and cranberries. I found red kirkland "Reece's" at Costco and bought peppermints.

I used more cranberries than popcorn and added a bouquet of red and white balloons for the gift table. I think this is my favorite centerpiece ever.

Food Table
Bagels with cream cheese. Gingerbread girls. Rice crispy treats. "Ready to Pop!" popcorn.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby Shower ~ Gifts and Favors

This was a simple and inexpensive idea for party favors.

Supplies (I planned on 20 guests)
Mini Christmas ornaments, I picked red to go with the cranberry theme
Gift boxes, I got 4 packs of 6 from Walmart
Mini bows
Sugar cookies (I home baked mine but you can pick any kind you want)
Tissue paper
Cellophane and/or plastic gift bags
I ended up spending just under $20!

I wrapped each ornament in the cellophane and tied it with a ribbon.
I put 2 cookies in clear gift bags and just used the twist ties that they came with.
I lined the gift boxes with white tissue paper.
That's it!

Games and Prizes!
We played 3 games:
*Baby name jumble (where you have the name of the baby first and middle and whoever can come up with the most words using only those letters wins)
*Baby fact quiz. I made up a quiz with 15 questions with different human and animal baby facts. Ex: The average woman is pregnant for (9) months. The average mouse can have (319) babies in their lifetime. I wasn't pleased with how this quiz turned out but I thought I'd include it in the post anyway.
*Telephone pictionary. This takes a bit of explaining... Everyone who's playing needs an index card for everyone one in the group. So if there are 6 people playing everyone needs 6 cards. 7 people, 7 cards, etc. Number the cards, facing up, in the corner. (You'll have the same number of stories going around as there are people playing) Each person thinks of a phrase or scene and writes it on the card. Since it was a baby shower we went with a baby theme so an example of what you'd write would be "Rock-a-bye-baby". Write your phrase, pass your whole stack of index cards to the person on your left. Then you take the cards from the person to your right, read what they wrote, their's might have said "Baby's first laugh", take that first card and place it in the back (you should be looking at card 2), you then need to draw what they wrote. Pass that stack to the person on your left, they will then look at the picture you drew and write out what they saw. Depending on how well you draw they may end up writing "Baby won't stop crying". Passing that stack to their left the next person will draw what the previous person wrote. (You see how this goes) Do this until your story gets back to you. Then everyone reads their story out loud, the mom-to-be picks the winner. ...That game is almost a blog post in itself... maybe later.

I had the same prizes for all the games. The baby is a girl so I did "Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice"
I picked out 3 beautiful Christmas ornaments (in red), 3 holiday spices, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon sugar; wrapped them in snowflake tissue paper and put them all in gift boxes I bought from Walmart.

Baby Shower ~ Ready to Pop!

Last weekend I threw my sister a baby shower. The theme was cranberries but I couldn't resist this idea, "Ready to Pop!" popcorn boxes.

Supplies needed:
White card-stock
The image you want on the sides
Wave cutting scissors
Glue stick

First I measured out how big I would like my boxes to be.
These are 2 1/2 inches squared. My computer recently died and I lost my photo and project creator so I improvised and printed out the image that I wanted to use and taped it to my outline and copied it.

Cut them out leaving a small wing on one side.
Wave cut the top.
Fold the wing in and apply glue to the wing.

Be sure to glue the wing to the inside of the box.

I didn't check the copier settings before I printed the first round so I got 5 that printed in black and white. Well I flipped them around to print on the other side and then anyone who got a box with the print on the inside got a candy bar. One extra prize!
