Sunday, April 26, 2009

Super day!!

Well today was a great day!
We finished the electrical. Since we moved in there were capped wires in one of the closets, we didn't go into that closet so it wasn't that big of a deal but for the FHA we needed to put a fixture or something on it so that the wires wouldn't be exposed. Arwen and I sat in the closet with the flashlight while Chris shut off the power, when he came back he opened the existing fixture to find that the wires weren't hooked up to anything and there wasn't any power. We both looked each other, Chris pulled the wires out and put the cover back on. That was the easiest fix of the whole house, right up there with replacing the batteries in the smoke detectors (yeah that was one of the buyer's requests).
Anyway. Tomorrow my dad and Chris are going to replace the main water valve. We've planned it for when the kids are napping, can you imagine watching 5 kids with no water?
After the main is finished we'll replace the valves under the kitchen and main bathroom sinks.
There's more to do but I'm excited with today's progress so I won't go into it.

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