Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good enough

I find myself with a lack of interesting stories.
Chris and I accepted an offer on our house and are planning on closing May 15th. The fellow who's buying will be getting and FHA loan which means Chris and I are working our tails off to bring the house up to the lofty FHA standards.
This past week has been a whirlwind of repairs including but not limited too scraping, priming, painting the outside of the house, repair the roof, up-date some plumbing and cut a hole in the wall to move some dirt in the crawl space.

I'm having an inward battle doing all these projects. The perfectionist in me would really like to have it just right, the paint, the electrical, all of it. But as it is I don't have the time or motivation to make it all that it could be.
I'll be leaving this home at "the standard" but not excellent.
How good is good enough? According to the governments FHA standards no cracked or peeling paint, no exposed wires, grass and whatever else the appraiser can think of.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you finally got a buyer! Are you moving out right away? Do you have another house?
