Tuesday, June 9, 2009

While the cats away?

Last week on our anniversary Chris left for his Corrections Emergency Response Team training in Boise and won't return for another couple of days.
I had it in my mind to have the whole house unpacked while he was gone. In my earlier days this would be a two day job and then I would spend the rest of my time watching movies or reading a book. It's not my early days though, I'm a busy mom watching 5 kids in my house full of boxes. When nap time comes I can do the dishes but as far as unpacking goes I need to put things away in the rooms the kids sleep in. At night when Arwen goes to bed I find myself staring at the TV not really watching anything.
There are things in life I've had to work on letting go of.
Several years ago I told Chris I was ready to let go of my abs (I enjoy being in shape) and have a baby.
Every spring and fall I go through my seasonal wardrobe and get rid of the things that I didn't wear. I just had a breakthrough by the way and got rid of a bunch of sentimental clothes, you know the close you keep because they remind you of a person or place in time but you'll never wear again.
When we moved here I gave up my towels being in rainbow order. True, I may go back and re-order them but for now they're sitting in the towel drawer any way they please. The same is true for my closet, I couldn't stand it in Chris' though so his shirts are back in line.
I think my next mountain to over come: I have to let go of my house, enjoy the time with my family and, unpack the boxes at a relaxed pace.

Chris may not come home to a clean house but he will for sure come home to a loving wife and daughter who've missed him a lot.

1 comment:

  1. If you'd like some time with Chris when he comes home let me know and I'll watch Arwen. Her and Micah can shake the maracas together again. Same goes if you'd like some time to unpack without any children around. Or I'd be willing to help unpack.
