Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Gift of Time

The time stamp will say it's the 4th but since I haven't gone to bed yet I'm still counting this as the 3rd.

Today is Chris and my's 4 year wedding anniversary.
Looking back at all our anniversaries I can't remember ever celebrating one.
Year 1: Chris was working for a cleaning and restoration company and got called out to a flood. After he returned we went yard sale-ing with friends. I really can't remember if we bought each other gifts or not.

Year 2: Chris' sister and her boyfriend came for a visit and we all went fishing. Gifts that year were new fishing poles. Chris likes to fly fish but I prefer to sit on the dock with my spinner rod.

Year 3: Chris had just started working at the prison and was working from 2pm-10:30pm. We had made plans to go on vacation with friends that week and cut it short for Chris' new work schedule. It worked out real well though because I was 8 months pregnant at the time and probably would have gone on two days worth of outings and then slept the rest of the time. It's hard work growing a baby. I don't think we did gifts that year either.

Today is year 4: Chris has joined the Corrections Emergency Response Team at the prison and today was the day for the newbies to leave for the CERT academy. So we woke up, Chris got ready and I went and dropped him off to leave for 9 days. No plans for gifts.

I celebrate being married to Chris every day. I celebrate his great skill at his job, his need to provide for his family. I celebrate how much he loves to play with our daughter. I celebrate his love for me and how he works so hard to show me everyday just how much I mean to him. Most of all I celebrate his love for our Creator and his willingness to lead this family. He's the best husband God could have ever designed for me.

I love you Chris.


  1. For being so young you are so wise! My old managers wife was in a serious motorcycle accident 3 weeks ago and he's been blogging about how she is progressing. In one of his posts he was talking about this deep love that they share and how important it is to always let our loved ones know what they mean to us because you never know when the last time you say "I love you" will be. It's good to have reminders every so often to cherish our time together.
    We are so blessed to have such wonderful husbands! When you'd like some husband/wife time let me know - I'm more than willing to watch Arwen for you while you enjoy each other apart from being mom and dad.

  2. I was thinking of you both - not believing it's already been 4 years that you two have been married! Blessings to you both - love you!
