Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Caught off guard

We're in the process of selling our house. We knew that this day would come but with interest rates being so low that day came sooner.
Anyway. I got a call from a realtor asking when would be a good time to show the house, I said I would pack up the kids and they could come right then.
It wasn't until after we got home that I noticed that I forgot to put the kids potty seat and step stool away, the chair that I put in front of the stairs was still blocking the way down and my dryer sheets were out. Minimal to some but for a perfectionist like me I'm pretty frustrated.
Oh well. I can't go back in time, it was just one house tour and maybe it really isn't that big of deal.
The moral of the story.
Selling your house is like following Christ. You should take care of the little messes in life as soon as they happen then you won't have to rush when company comes.
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come."
-Matthew 24:42

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! The fun part is putting out into the ether all the thinks that you can think. The rest of it is waiting and wondering if people aren't commenting because they don't care, or they aren't commenting because they don't care to comment.

    I care. :)

    Have fun, and yes, cleaning up the mess is part of the walk, but the best part is having Jesus' help, because no one wants to clean alone.

    Happy blogging!!
