Monday, February 23, 2009

Everyone should be quick to read, slow to act...

After throwing up every morning and many afternoons for months of my pregnancy my teeth just couldn't take it any longer and all my fillings have been shaken loose. I need to get my teeth fixed.
My appointment is next Monday and it's an all day surgery. I needed to get my blood drawn so they knew what materials to replace all my fillings with. I had been trying to figure out when to go and do it since they have to send it away to Colorado and the dentist will need the results by Monday morning. Chris needed to sleep so he wouldn't be able to watch the kids. I had made up my mind to go right after Kale was picked up (Jon got off early today) and do my best to carry Micah and Arwen into the lab. Thankfully Chris was having trouble sleeping so I was able to put Micah and Arwen down for a nap and go to the lab.
So I get there and the tech guy is kind being sassy in a funny way. He draws my blood and we're working out the details to get it sent off and he asks me if I've fasted for 10 hours. I thought to myself "I really, really hope he's joking." Nope, I had not read the instructions. So I call the dentist and ask them "how important, really, is it that I fast for 10 hours before getting my blood taken?" Hooray, it's not a big deal! I paid for the test and I was on my way.
The moral of the story is read all instructions long before you act.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least your blood test was "fast" since you didn't have kids along. Hope that your dental day goes well.
