Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trip to the ER

Chris and I were getting ready to go to our Bible study group, Arwen had just finished her dinner was walking around the house when all of a sudden she stopped and fell straight back out cold on the floor. I rushed and picked up her limp body. Her eyes wouldn't open and she wasn't breathing. For what seemed like an eternity but was really 10-15 seconds Arwen was unresponsive and completely limp in my arms. Finally a coughing breath and her eyes fluttered. In no time we had our shoes on and were out the door to the emergency room. In the van while tickling her feet and telling her she needed to stay awake I called the emergency room to let them know we were on our way, 25 seconds into the recording telling me nothing I hung up and called 911 and told them the situation and to let the ER know.
We told the story to the front desk, triage nurse and ER doctor. Facts: she was fine, she fell back, was unconscious for 10-15 seconds, eyes were not dilated, no color change, no previous illness, started talking again 10 blocks from the hospital.
They took her vitals and couldn't find anything wrong. They monitored her heart for a while and found no defects. After talking to the pediatrician they decided to discharge her and gave us instructions to watch for out of the ordinary behavior. They didn't want to do a CT scan since it would be so much radiation for having no other side effects. Total time in the ER 45 minutes.
We left the hospital and met up with my sister and brother-in-law and went for pizza. Arwen was pretty fussy after such a long day and fell fast asleep in the van. She's sleeping peacefully and wiggles through her dreams.
It's a tough thing having to take your baby to the emergency room but am so thankful she turned out alright. Thanks to all of you who were praying for her.

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