Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wedding day

Tomorrow my friend Kristie is getting married.
Some of my earliest memories of living here in Idaho are of her. I can't remember when we met, only that I've always known her.
Our pastor likes to incorporate stories about the bride and groom into his wedding message and it got me to thinking about all the times we shared.
Most of the ones I can think of involve something happening to me that would cause her to laugh.
During the summer I would help her mom, who ran a day care out of her home, and I would take the older kids down to the movie theater once a week for the summer kids movie. What worked out really well was for me to stay the night and get up the next morning we'd all just head out. Being such that we have beautiful summer nights Kristie and I would sleep outside on the trampoline. One of our favorite games was to wrap ourselves up in our sleeping bags and try to bounce the other person higher. (For those of you who've done this you know exactly what I'm talking about, for those of you who don't I would suggest finding someone who does and have the try it out with you while recording it.) Anyway. When we first met I was one and half heads taller than her but by now was well passed me. So we're jumping and it's time to fall, Kristie can't tell this part without laughing, she tells me that all she could see was my sleeping bag flying high into the air and all of a sudden my "skinny little arms" come flailing out in a panic.

We discovered 'N SYNC together. I still prefer the Backstreet Boys though. Brian just turned out so well, who wouldn't love them?

I think of all my friends she's the one I'll be the most silly with.
One time when the youth group went camping... I really don't remember how it came about but I ended up performing a "friendship ceremony" for her and another friend. I wish I could remember how it came about, maybe we were just board, but we had a flower girl, a song and friendship bracelets or something and I "married" them as friends forever. Ah good times. It's fun to be silly.

On another camping trip she went above and beyond when she held my hair as I "lost my lunch" from a freak up-set tummy. I could have held my own hair but she did it anyway. Thanks buddy.

Kristie, you will have a wonderful marriage. You are a true and faithful friend and it's been my privilege to know you like I do.

Sugar rush

While grocery shopping with my sister the other day I discovered the perfect cereal.
Chocolate Marshmellow Mateys. It's like coco-puffs with marshmellows, what could be better?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Do as I say

I've been giving advice about children for quite some time now. I'll give advice on just about anything; potty-training, siblings, the quiet kids, the loud kids, the ones that don't want to take their naps.
The ladder is the one that has me writing this post after midnight.

I'm pretty firm when it comes to rules and boundaries, for everyone else's kids but with Arwen it's almost like I have to talk to myself to remember how to deal with kids in the first place. I look back at how little Kale and Micah were able to get away with and Arwen is months behind them! It's like I don't even notice her going for things that would possibly land the boys in a time out.
If a parent were to tell me how their child won't go to bed at night and will just cry and cry until they are rescued my response would be "let them cry it out, bury your head under a pillow and let them cry." Now that I have my own reluctant sleeper I can see the other side. Your own child's voice is so different from the other children that you interact with that you can't help but notice their sorrowful little cries. When I finally snapped out of it and said "Margaret, you're not getting any sleep with her staying up all the time because she doesn't want to go to bed, what would you tell a parent to do?' 'Cry it out.' 'Well there you go, do that."
So I have. It's been 10 minutes and she's just about out. By the way, the first time I did it, it took an hour but she still put herself down, slept great through the night and loved me the next morning. Bonus, I got more sleep and she's able to put herself down.
Ah, silence. Good night and have a peaceful tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

While the cats away?

Last week on our anniversary Chris left for his Corrections Emergency Response Team training in Boise and won't return for another couple of days.
I had it in my mind to have the whole house unpacked while he was gone. In my earlier days this would be a two day job and then I would spend the rest of my time watching movies or reading a book. It's not my early days though, I'm a busy mom watching 5 kids in my house full of boxes. When nap time comes I can do the dishes but as far as unpacking goes I need to put things away in the rooms the kids sleep in. At night when Arwen goes to bed I find myself staring at the TV not really watching anything.
There are things in life I've had to work on letting go of.
Several years ago I told Chris I was ready to let go of my abs (I enjoy being in shape) and have a baby.
Every spring and fall I go through my seasonal wardrobe and get rid of the things that I didn't wear. I just had a breakthrough by the way and got rid of a bunch of sentimental clothes, you know the close you keep because they remind you of a person or place in time but you'll never wear again.
When we moved here I gave up my towels being in rainbow order. True, I may go back and re-order them but for now they're sitting in the towel drawer any way they please. The same is true for my closet, I couldn't stand it in Chris' though so his shirts are back in line.
I think my next mountain to over come: I have to let go of my house, enjoy the time with my family and, unpack the boxes at a relaxed pace.

Chris may not come home to a clean house but he will for sure come home to a loving wife and daughter who've missed him a lot.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Gift of Time

The time stamp will say it's the 4th but since I haven't gone to bed yet I'm still counting this as the 3rd.

Today is Chris and my's 4 year wedding anniversary.
Looking back at all our anniversaries I can't remember ever celebrating one.
Year 1: Chris was working for a cleaning and restoration company and got called out to a flood. After he returned we went yard sale-ing with friends. I really can't remember if we bought each other gifts or not.

Year 2: Chris' sister and her boyfriend came for a visit and we all went fishing. Gifts that year were new fishing poles. Chris likes to fly fish but I prefer to sit on the dock with my spinner rod.

Year 3: Chris had just started working at the prison and was working from 2pm-10:30pm. We had made plans to go on vacation with friends that week and cut it short for Chris' new work schedule. It worked out real well though because I was 8 months pregnant at the time and probably would have gone on two days worth of outings and then slept the rest of the time. It's hard work growing a baby. I don't think we did gifts that year either.

Today is year 4: Chris has joined the Corrections Emergency Response Team at the prison and today was the day for the newbies to leave for the CERT academy. So we woke up, Chris got ready and I went and dropped him off to leave for 9 days. No plans for gifts.

I celebrate being married to Chris every day. I celebrate his great skill at his job, his need to provide for his family. I celebrate how much he loves to play with our daughter. I celebrate his love for me and how he works so hard to show me everyday just how much I mean to him. Most of all I celebrate his love for our Creator and his willingness to lead this family. He's the best husband God could have ever designed for me.

I love you Chris.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Special things

Today was a heart touching day.

1. A good friend and her good friend have decided to start courting. They are both wonderful people and will be a wonderful couple. I've been praying about them for some time now and it's just good to see God at work in their lives.

2. A couple at church that lost their baby a little over a year ago a week before it was due have a beautiful healthy new born now. She so precious.

3. Another couple that's been trying for years for a baby are expecting their first in November.

4. Our bed sits under a window. Arwen was crawling around on the bed and went over to the window to look out. It wasn't too long before I heard the sound of humming joy. I look over to find Arwen licking the window like you would an ice cream cone. It was dark and the cell phone picture didn't turn out so that's one to hold in my heart.

Babies all around!
I love babies! I love to see them as they learn new things.
Arwen, who is coming up on 11 months, got her first tooth a couple weeks ago. I have to say I was incredibly blessed because had it not been for the fact the I was just doing the quick teeth check I would not have known she was even teething. She wasn't drooling, her cheeks weren't red, she didn't have a fever. So blessed!!

The words Arwen can say clearly, mom, dada and no.

On a side note. The first child I really started baby-sitting professionally turns 13 today. Happy Birthday Mac!