It was a wonderful Christmas this year.
With all our schedules going here and there my family decided to have Christmas on the 22nd. It was quite the reverse from what I grew up with. With everyone needing to get off work we'd planned on dinner at 6:00pm and then presents after. Growing up we opened gifts, ate candy all morning while playing with toys and dinner at 2:00pm. It seemed that everyone was running behind and we didn't sit down at the table until 7:30pm. Dinner was extra tasty though.
You know how every year there's always that one gift that you look at and smile and say thank you very much but really have no idea what it is or why you got it? I didn't get any of those this time around. Of all the geeky things in the world that I could like, my sister got me a shower caddy since our shower doesn't have enough shelves for all my girly products. Really you don't understand, every time I give Arwen a bath I have to take all my stuff out of the tub and put in the sink. (The tub is flat by the way.) Now it's clean all the time, and for those of you who know I love it when things are clean. And for those of you who have been pregnant it's near impossible to keep anything clean with a toddler and while watching other kids and being pregnant.
Anyway. By the time Christmas eve came around the anticipation was pretty much gone. We went to church and I was able to sit in a Christmas eve service for the first time in three years! It was so much fun. Pastor Bill used some magic flash paper in his illustration. I wanted to whisper "Holy smoke Batman" but I wasn't sitting next to anyone who would feel it as deeply as I. The 6pm service had 38 kids and the 8pm had 4. I was thankful that I was helping at the 8pm.
Christmas morning Chris had to work so I spent time with my family and got to play with my "Santa" gift and stocking. After work we drove up to Idaho Falls for Christmas with Chris' family minus Cindy and her husband Pete. We played Apples to Apples, a truly wonderful game. Arwen got a Tickle Me Elmo. After people pushing his buttons a few times my little 17 month old flipped him over, ripped open the Velcro back and tried to pull the voice box out. Maybe she'll like it when she's older.
Yesterday mom, Sarah and I went shopping. Mostly looking around but I did snag a great deal. I like to buy shirts from DownEast Outfitters because they are so long and can last the entire pregnancy. The ones I found, usually $14.99 on sale for $5 and then you can take off another 40%! Fantastic! I was going to buy 3 but my cute little mom took them and bought them for me. She's such a blessing!
Well, Chris got an Xbox 360 and has asked me to come play so goodnight blog world.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hit the spot
Today is a chilly dreary day. The kind of day that only certain foods will satisfy. Sure most of you are thinking soup or hot chocolate, nope todays food was oatmeal chocolate chip pancakes. They were tasty and wonderful and hit the spot.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Trip to the ER
Chris and I were getting ready to go to our Bible study group, Arwen had just finished her dinner was walking around the house when all of a sudden she stopped and fell straight back out cold on the floor. I rushed and picked up her limp body. Her eyes wouldn't open and she wasn't breathing. For what seemed like an eternity but was really 10-15 seconds Arwen was unresponsive and completely limp in my arms. Finally a coughing breath and her eyes fluttered. In no time we had our shoes on and were out the door to the emergency room. In the van while tickling her feet and telling her she needed to stay awake I called the emergency room to let them know we were on our way, 25 seconds into the recording telling me nothing I hung up and called 911 and told them the situation and to let the ER know.
We told the story to the front desk, triage nurse and ER doctor. Facts: she was fine, she fell back, was unconscious for 10-15 seconds, eyes were not dilated, no color change, no previous illness, started talking again 10 blocks from the hospital.
They took her vitals and couldn't find anything wrong. They monitored her heart for a while and found no defects. After talking to the pediatrician they decided to discharge her and gave us instructions to watch for out of the ordinary behavior. They didn't want to do a CT scan since it would be so much radiation for having no other side effects. Total time in the ER 45 minutes.
We left the hospital and met up with my sister and brother-in-law and went for pizza. Arwen was pretty fussy after such a long day and fell fast asleep in the van. She's sleeping peacefully and wiggles through her dreams.
It's a tough thing having to take your baby to the emergency room but am so thankful she turned out alright. Thanks to all of you who were praying for her.
We told the story to the front desk, triage nurse and ER doctor. Facts: she was fine, she fell back, was unconscious for 10-15 seconds, eyes were not dilated, no color change, no previous illness, started talking again 10 blocks from the hospital.
They took her vitals and couldn't find anything wrong. They monitored her heart for a while and found no defects. After talking to the pediatrician they decided to discharge her and gave us instructions to watch for out of the ordinary behavior. They didn't want to do a CT scan since it would be so much radiation for having no other side effects. Total time in the ER 45 minutes.
We left the hospital and met up with my sister and brother-in-law and went for pizza. Arwen was pretty fussy after such a long day and fell fast asleep in the van. She's sleeping peacefully and wiggles through her dreams.
It's a tough thing having to take your baby to the emergency room but am so thankful she turned out alright. Thanks to all of you who were praying for her.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Remarks of the week
I find myself enjoying Deuteronomy very much, especially in this translation. I really like reading the laws. I think it's because I'm a geek. In other books not so much, I go crazy every time I have to read the temple laws and and specifications for building. Boring! Maybe if I built model airplanes or cars I would appreciate it more but as I'm a different kind of geek specs hold no interest for me.
I gave in last Friday to channel surfing. I never noticed before that I wasn't really aware that the TV was on. Mostly I would be playing Farmtown and the TV would be on in the background. When I gave it up last week I noticed that I got more lonely and just a little bit crazy. I figured that it was because I spend all day during week listening to little children but at night it was my turn to hear adults talk.
"Why don't you just turn on Christian radio and listen to something wholesome instead?" you say. Because I really can't listen to Contemporary Christian music for more than 5 minutes before going insane. There are so few now that I will listen too and the radio just won't play them. Some artists or groups I can't stand the sound of. I'm sure they were the best in their church choir but their voices are like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Yes I know they have a great message, la dee da dee da, but it doesn't change the fact that they don't sound good delivering it.
(Rant over)
So I turned on the tv. Back to my good ol' documentaries, biographies, design, cooking shows and the no purpose mindless show. On a happy note, I discovered that they are showing Star Trek TNG every night again. (Closet trekkie)
Right. So last week we went to see the new Star Trek movie, loved it!
There were a few errors that I think only a trekkie would notice.
Chekov wasn't part of the cast in the beginning. Which you could easily explain his involvement by the crisis on Vulcan throwing off the space time continuum. I'll give 'em that one.
When did Romulans get tattoos?
The uniforms at the end are about 15-20 years to early.
There are more but I'll leave that to the super trekkies.
Anyway. I had a super time and really enjoyed the show.
Bible reading: good!
TV off: eh, I was more lonely but did enjoy some of the silence. (For those that don't know, Chris works the night shift)
I gave in last Friday to channel surfing. I never noticed before that I wasn't really aware that the TV was on. Mostly I would be playing Farmtown and the TV would be on in the background. When I gave it up last week I noticed that I got more lonely and just a little bit crazy. I figured that it was because I spend all day during week listening to little children but at night it was my turn to hear adults talk.
"Why don't you just turn on Christian radio and listen to something wholesome instead?" you say. Because I really can't listen to Contemporary Christian music for more than 5 minutes before going insane. There are so few now that I will listen too and the radio just won't play them. Some artists or groups I can't stand the sound of. I'm sure they were the best in their church choir but their voices are like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Yes I know they have a great message, la dee da dee da, but it doesn't change the fact that they don't sound good delivering it.
(Rant over)
So I turned on the tv. Back to my good ol' documentaries, biographies, design, cooking shows and the no purpose mindless show. On a happy note, I discovered that they are showing Star Trek TNG every night again. (Closet trekkie)
Right. So last week we went to see the new Star Trek movie, loved it!
There were a few errors that I think only a trekkie would notice.
Chekov wasn't part of the cast in the beginning. Which you could easily explain his involvement by the crisis on Vulcan throwing off the space time continuum. I'll give 'em that one.
When did Romulans get tattoos?
The uniforms at the end are about 15-20 years to early.
There are more but I'll leave that to the super trekkies.
Anyway. I had a super time and really enjoyed the show.
Bible reading: good!
TV off: eh, I was more lonely but did enjoy some of the silence. (For those that don't know, Chris works the night shift)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fresh start... again
Yesterday we harvested the corn. That involves, picking, husking, blanching cutting the kernels and bagging every ear of corn. Thankfully we had a big crew for the toughest part, husking. We started just after 9am and finished around 6:30pm. Later my mom asked if I was disappointed that it took so long and I said it didn't seem that long, I remember it taking all day when I was younger. (The end count was 131 quart size freezer bags of corn)(Thanks everyone who helped, you're awesome!!)
Anyway. Today I was pretty tired out.
During the sermon at church I was drifting in and out of focus, ironically part of the message was about how women are so tired these days because of expectations placed on us by culture or ourselves. In a moment of focus Bill ( talked about Ruth Graham (Billy Graham's wife) and how she was raising their 5 children when Billy would be on the road at revivals. During that season of life Ruth struggled to find time to meet with the Lord and so she set out open Bibles through the house so that on her way to children or chores she would stop and read a passage.
I used to read a chapter every night between when Chris would get to work and I would go to bed. I got out of the habit when we went to Canada last month, between the late nights and Arwen sleeping in our room, I didn't find the time. Today's sermon inspired me to get back in the habit.
I picked up where I left off, Deuteronomy chapter 10. Taking a lesson from my mom I've been reading through the Bible in different versions to continually gain new perspective, this time through is New Living Translation. I told my mom what I was reading and she said "ah, 'The Second Telling'". I've really enjoyed Deuteronomy this time through. I like to read it like a girl in high school. I told my mom that reading it with the voice and everything you can just hear the conversation, as if the Exodus was Jr. High and now they're in High School and so much more mature. "Yeah, so like, God made these tablets and while I was gone, you guys, like, went all psycho and started to worship a calf you guys made my brother Aaron make, and then God was like, 'dude, do you see what they're doing? I'm gonna kill 'em. You better get down there." and I was like 'great, what else can go wrong' and then I got all ticked at you guys being stupid you made me throw the tablets and then I had to go back and tell God what happened. We're gonna take really good care of these new tablets and be so much better, I can't believe how immature we were." See, a little imagination and the Bible facts are awesome! Hmmm, side thought, I should write a Valley Girl Bible paraphrase, I think I could stand to read it once or less but still fun to do.
After church Children's Ministry had our semi-annual Empowerment get together. During that our Children's Director, Kathy, covered the bases of where we'd been and where we were going. Still drifting in and out of focus I heard her talk about fasting. I've been thinking for a while that I should cleanse my television viewing pallet and start fresh.
This week's goals, 1. read a chapter of my Bible everyday, 2. Watch only the shows that I've planned on; Hell's Kitchen and The Office.
Anyway. Today I was pretty tired out.
During the sermon at church I was drifting in and out of focus, ironically part of the message was about how women are so tired these days because of expectations placed on us by culture or ourselves. In a moment of focus Bill ( talked about Ruth Graham (Billy Graham's wife) and how she was raising their 5 children when Billy would be on the road at revivals. During that season of life Ruth struggled to find time to meet with the Lord and so she set out open Bibles through the house so that on her way to children or chores she would stop and read a passage.
I used to read a chapter every night between when Chris would get to work and I would go to bed. I got out of the habit when we went to Canada last month, between the late nights and Arwen sleeping in our room, I didn't find the time. Today's sermon inspired me to get back in the habit.
I picked up where I left off, Deuteronomy chapter 10. Taking a lesson from my mom I've been reading through the Bible in different versions to continually gain new perspective, this time through is New Living Translation. I told my mom what I was reading and she said "ah, 'The Second Telling'". I've really enjoyed Deuteronomy this time through. I like to read it like a girl in high school. I told my mom that reading it with the voice and everything you can just hear the conversation, as if the Exodus was Jr. High and now they're in High School and so much more mature. "Yeah, so like, God made these tablets and while I was gone, you guys, like, went all psycho and started to worship a calf you guys made my brother Aaron make, and then God was like, 'dude, do you see what they're doing? I'm gonna kill 'em. You better get down there." and I was like 'great, what else can go wrong' and then I got all ticked at you guys being stupid you made me throw the tablets and then I had to go back and tell God what happened. We're gonna take really good care of these new tablets and be so much better, I can't believe how immature we were." See, a little imagination and the Bible facts are awesome! Hmmm, side thought, I should write a Valley Girl Bible paraphrase, I think I could stand to read it once or less but still fun to do.
After church Children's Ministry had our semi-annual Empowerment get together. During that our Children's Director, Kathy, covered the bases of where we'd been and where we were going. Still drifting in and out of focus I heard her talk about fasting. I've been thinking for a while that I should cleanse my television viewing pallet and start fresh.
This week's goals, 1. read a chapter of my Bible everyday, 2. Watch only the shows that I've planned on; Hell's Kitchen and The Office.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Suprise visit
Chris' parents called last Tuesday evening informing us that Chris' paternal grandmother had been admitted to the hospital and not expected to go home again. We were up until 2:00am trying to decide what to do and all we came up with was to sleep on it and call in the morning and check on her condition.
The next morning was a blur of phone calls to his sisters, his parents and checking flight and hotel prices.
My family tends to be very logical when it comes to a crisis; you assess the situation, the pros and cons of each possible reaction and act on the best option for those involved. I'm a super geek so I was busy weighing all the options in a logical thought out manner. What are all the variables? Does grandma have dementia? Would she even know we were there? If this is the end should we go now or wait for a funeral? Is it worth it to go and say goodbye if she doesn't know us? Should just Chris go and take Arwen so they can meet? After a few calls we did find out that she did know where she was and who most people were.
Mid morning I was talking to my mom and told her that I was working on showing more feeling instead of just logical and she advised that Chris, Arwen and I all go to Florida, have her meet Arwen and we could say our goodbyes.
Poor Chris had been so tolerant of my calloused logic while wrestling his own thoughts and feelings of his grandma. I came in from my mom's house and said "ok, we should all go."
Chris' parents would fly into Orlando at 5:30pm, his sister Jenni had already bought her tickets, and Cindy said to let her know which one we would pick out and try to get on that flight. (On a funny side note we picked the same flight as Jenni without coordinating, great minds think alike). We would land at 4:30pm.
Chris made hotel and car reservations while I called all the people our absence would impact, the kids I baby-sit, small group, Sunday morning, a couple meetings to cancel. I pulled out the luggage and started packing.
We stayed with Cindy and her husband Pete Wednesday night. Arwen who will go right to sleep at home doesn't travel well. It took an hour to get her to go to sleep and she was up every hour and a half the rest of the night. We needed to leave the apartment by 6:30am so her tears through the night made for some pretty tired parents in the morning. We made it to the airport with the perfect amount of time before our flight. There's a real benefit to flying with an "infant in arms", they had a special line at the security check point. I guess that it's really only a benefit if there aren't a lot of families flying that day, which there weren't.
I was so proud of Arwen on the plane, she didn't fuss much, took a nice little nap and was able to entertain the children sitting in front of us.
We didn't go to the hospital that night because they were moving grandma to a rehab center.
There's more travel stories, getting the car, finding the hotel, yada, yada, yada, but let's just get to the pictures.
Arwen enjoyed sitting on the tray on the plane.

Arwen and Great-Grandma Butler.
Arwen's not too sure what to think.

Arwen did give in and give a few "high fives".

Kisses for Great-Grandma

I do love my great grandma!

Chris and Grandma

Margaret and Grandma

Arwen cut her top two front teeth on this trip which might explain why she had so much trouble sleeping. She was also allergic to something her eyes and nose wouldn't stop running. I would think it had something to do with the teething but it was more severe outside of the hotel room and she a dry teether. I bought some benedryl which did make the runny eyes and nose stop but she was pretty dopey, not sleepy though.
Chris' grandma is 101 and 9/12 years old. When we got the phone call Tuesday night it sounded like there was no time left. Now I don't know if everyone over reacted, if she was healed or if I'm totally fooled but when we said our goodbyes Saturday evening I thought there was no reason why she couldn't go home and live another year or so.
We woke up at 4:30am Florida time and headed to the airport. Because we had to get tickets at the last minute our seats weren't together so we were hoping that someone would be kindhearted enough to switch places with us. Thankfully a gentleman was willing to give up his window seat for the middle. As it ended up the whole plane was packed except for the seats where Chris and I were so when we were in the air Cindy was able to move up next to us, (Jenni was on a later flight).
It was a lovely trip, short as it was.
The next morning was a blur of phone calls to his sisters, his parents and checking flight and hotel prices.
My family tends to be very logical when it comes to a crisis; you assess the situation, the pros and cons of each possible reaction and act on the best option for those involved. I'm a super geek so I was busy weighing all the options in a logical thought out manner. What are all the variables? Does grandma have dementia? Would she even know we were there? If this is the end should we go now or wait for a funeral? Is it worth it to go and say goodbye if she doesn't know us? Should just Chris go and take Arwen so they can meet? After a few calls we did find out that she did know where she was and who most people were.
Mid morning I was talking to my mom and told her that I was working on showing more feeling instead of just logical and she advised that Chris, Arwen and I all go to Florida, have her meet Arwen and we could say our goodbyes.
Poor Chris had been so tolerant of my calloused logic while wrestling his own thoughts and feelings of his grandma. I came in from my mom's house and said "ok, we should all go."
Chris' parents would fly into Orlando at 5:30pm, his sister Jenni had already bought her tickets, and Cindy said to let her know which one we would pick out and try to get on that flight. (On a funny side note we picked the same flight as Jenni without coordinating, great minds think alike). We would land at 4:30pm.
Chris made hotel and car reservations while I called all the people our absence would impact, the kids I baby-sit, small group, Sunday morning, a couple meetings to cancel. I pulled out the luggage and started packing.
We stayed with Cindy and her husband Pete Wednesday night. Arwen who will go right to sleep at home doesn't travel well. It took an hour to get her to go to sleep and she was up every hour and a half the rest of the night. We needed to leave the apartment by 6:30am so her tears through the night made for some pretty tired parents in the morning. We made it to the airport with the perfect amount of time before our flight. There's a real benefit to flying with an "infant in arms", they had a special line at the security check point. I guess that it's really only a benefit if there aren't a lot of families flying that day, which there weren't.
I was so proud of Arwen on the plane, she didn't fuss much, took a nice little nap and was able to entertain the children sitting in front of us.
We didn't go to the hospital that night because they were moving grandma to a rehab center.
There's more travel stories, getting the car, finding the hotel, yada, yada, yada, but let's just get to the pictures.
Arwen enjoyed sitting on the tray on the plane.
Arwen and Great-Grandma Butler.
Arwen's not too sure what to think.
Arwen did give in and give a few "high fives".
Kisses for Great-Grandma
I do love my great grandma!
Chris and Grandma
Margaret and Grandma
Arwen cut her top two front teeth on this trip which might explain why she had so much trouble sleeping. She was also allergic to something her eyes and nose wouldn't stop running. I would think it had something to do with the teething but it was more severe outside of the hotel room and she a dry teether. I bought some benedryl which did make the runny eyes and nose stop but she was pretty dopey, not sleepy though.
Chris' grandma is 101 and 9/12 years old. When we got the phone call Tuesday night it sounded like there was no time left. Now I don't know if everyone over reacted, if she was healed or if I'm totally fooled but when we said our goodbyes Saturday evening I thought there was no reason why she couldn't go home and live another year or so.
We woke up at 4:30am Florida time and headed to the airport. Because we had to get tickets at the last minute our seats weren't together so we were hoping that someone would be kindhearted enough to switch places with us. Thankfully a gentleman was willing to give up his window seat for the middle. As it ended up the whole plane was packed except for the seats where Chris and I were so when we were in the air Cindy was able to move up next to us, (Jenni was on a later flight).
It was a lovely trip, short as it was.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
To pierce or not to pierce
My parents said I needed to be 16 before I could pierce my ears. When I turned 16 I really didn't care about my ears that much and decided not to do it.
I revisited the idea when I was engaged but you never know what's going to happen and I thought it would be just my luck to get an infection and my ears would have to be removed just before my wedding day. Sure, call me crazy but it could happen.
When I see a pair of earrings I really like I think I should just go ahead and do it. Then I remember a couple of things.
I'm lazy. When it comes to cleaning new piercings I would do terribly. By the time I get Arwen to bed and the dishwasher loaded I would rather just sit in my jammies and work on FarmTown while watching TV.
Also, I want earrings that would dangle and with all the kids running around that just wouldn't work.
I'll wait. Maybe someday the mood will catch me just right and I'll go for it.
I revisited the idea when I was engaged but you never know what's going to happen and I thought it would be just my luck to get an infection and my ears would have to be removed just before my wedding day. Sure, call me crazy but it could happen.
When I see a pair of earrings I really like I think I should just go ahead and do it. Then I remember a couple of things.
I'm lazy. When it comes to cleaning new piercings I would do terribly. By the time I get Arwen to bed and the dishwasher loaded I would rather just sit in my jammies and work on FarmTown while watching TV.
Also, I want earrings that would dangle and with all the kids running around that just wouldn't work.
I'll wait. Maybe someday the mood will catch me just right and I'll go for it.
Friday, August 14, 2009
A Hobbit's Tale
"How do you pick up the pages of an old life?" -Frodo
I find myself wondering what to do with my time. For the past 8 months I've been focused on weddings. Thinking about decorations, dresses, what to do with Arwen at each of them. For the past 2 months I've spent my evenings putting decorations together, wrapping favors and sewing a little dress. Now I'm done, no parties to plan no large up-coming events.
I think I'll take this time to relax and un-pack more boxes. It's an odd feeling to create a new routine.
I'm tempted to recreate some of the things from the wedding just so I can always remember. I don't have any pictures of Arwen standing in her dress or me and Chris. Also the wreathes.
In filling my newly found time I've been watching "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" and I have to wonder, did the rest of the world have issues with the fact that Superman only stayed in Metropolis? I mean why not come up with a time share, because am I really to believe that no other city in the world has super villains? And why is it that every one from the future wears shinny spandex? Does it suddenly become comfortable and not ride up? And even if it were comfortable I don't need to see that. Did anyone besides me feel awkward about the eighties hair band spandex suits?
Those are my thoughts for the evening. I hope you enjoyed them.
I find myself wondering what to do with my time. For the past 8 months I've been focused on weddings. Thinking about decorations, dresses, what to do with Arwen at each of them. For the past 2 months I've spent my evenings putting decorations together, wrapping favors and sewing a little dress. Now I'm done, no parties to plan no large up-coming events.
I think I'll take this time to relax and un-pack more boxes. It's an odd feeling to create a new routine.
I'm tempted to recreate some of the things from the wedding just so I can always remember. I don't have any pictures of Arwen standing in her dress or me and Chris. Also the wreathes.
In filling my newly found time I've been watching "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" and I have to wonder, did the rest of the world have issues with the fact that Superman only stayed in Metropolis? I mean why not come up with a time share, because am I really to believe that no other city in the world has super villains? And why is it that every one from the future wears shinny spandex? Does it suddenly become comfortable and not ride up? And even if it were comfortable I don't need to see that. Did anyone besides me feel awkward about the eighties hair band spandex suits?
Those are my thoughts for the evening. I hope you enjoyed them.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wedding day part 3
My third and final wedding for the year was this last weekend in Victoria Canada.
This post is the stories of getting there and back again.
There were three sets of decorations I was making for the ceremony; pew ends, aisle runners, and wreathes to hang on the front doors of the church (these came back to bite me in the end). I also made the favors and was bringing the candles for the tables.
Monday morning I woke up, started breakfast and gathered up the last things I needed to pack. Chris gets off work at 6:30am so if I can get everything together we can be on the road by 7:00am. I fed Arwen as quickly as I could and was out the door by 7:13am.
I was driving the first leg so Chris could get some sleep. I noticed that I forgot to pack the tissues but decided oh well it's not that big a deal. A little over an hour on the road I was walking through the house in my mind making sure I had put away all the perishables since my mom was going to bug bomb the house while we were gone. Thinking about the baby room I had forgotten to move the pack and play but that's ok because the wreathes weren't hanging in there anymore, they were hanging in hallway. WAIT, HANGING IN THE HALLWAY!!! I called my mom and asked her to pack them up and send them to Canada for me.
Ironically if I had turned around and gone back for the tissues when I was just 2 miles away I would have seen them and this whole incident could have been avoided.
Four hours later I'm on the phone with the UPS guy. It would cost $50 just to get to customs on Friday but they couldn't guarantee that I would have them by 3:00pm Saturday. They could get there on Wednesday though for the easy payment of $216. I could buy the materials and make new ones for less than that. I told my mom to skip it and I would make some calls and see who hadn't left town yet. Our pastor, Bill, and his daughter were flying out on Wednesday so I asked him if he would mind taking an extra bag on the flight and I would pay the extra bag fee ($25). Crisis averted but annoying nonetheless.
The rest of the drive was without adventure. Arwen did pretty well. We bought a power converter for the car so she watched movies on the laptop and enjoyed the calming smell of "Peace and Calming aromatherapy".
We spent the night at my cousins house just outside of Seattle. It was great to visit and catch up with her and her husband. I went to their wedding when I was 9 or 10 and after seeing her wedding dress I decided I wanted one just like it or at least off the shoulder, which I did get by the way. Who knows the kind of dress I would have picked out had it not been for her.
We left bright and early the next morning to make it to the ferry in time. While on the ferry I was reminded that I get motion sickness. It wasn't too bad but the next ferry was going to be an hour long not just 15 minutes.
Arwen and me on the ferry from Edmunds to Kingston Washington.

Arwen on the ferry from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC

Going through customs.
I heard that it's really easy to get into Canada but very difficult to get back into the US, I'm not sure about that. You know it's going to be an interesting time if you can't decide if the customs agent is a man or a woman. The agent (ended up being a man, but it was a close call if he didn't have those sideburns) asked us a series of questions and then what we were doing in Canada and we said a wedding and he ask "so you have gifts in the car?" Our answer "no". Which I'm sure he was thinking that we were the cheapest people ever, not taking a gift to the wedding but why should we waste more of the couples time taking the gift back to the US?
We went for a walk with friends down to the fisherman's warf and the bride and groom came over for a visit. I had decided not to tell her about the forgotten wreathes just so she wouldn't worry but that didn't last long when she asked to see all the decorations I brought. I assured her they would arrive on Wednesday in plenty of time.
Wednesday the groom took us sightseeing and souvenir shopping. On our first stop I discovered my camera wasn't working so I ended up using my phone camera.
Parliament building

Where they hold Parliament

That evening I texted Bill to let him know I needed Rachel to try on her flower girl dress before the wedding. Bill didn't have a car so we picked them up and they joined us for dinner and Rachel tried on the dress. We took them back to their hotel and were about to drive off when Bill asked if I wanted the suitcase with the wreathes. HA, how many times can I forget these things?!
They arrived in perfect condition, hooray!
Thursday I decorated the church. The camera still wasn't working but believe me that it looked great!
That night we grilled burgers and the boys went swimming. I wasn't prepared for how much cooler it was going to be, we averaged 20c, that's 68f. When we left Idaho it was 80! I never got in the pool or hot tub.
Friday was a whirlwind of craziness. Rehearsal was at 3 and it went pretty well. You know it's going to be interesting when the sound guy wears hearing aids. :o)
We rehearsed and then to dinner!!! It was at the Macaroni Grill, I've never been but with a name like that you know it's going to be good. I lost count of the courses but my favorite was the last one which was chicken. Although I was enjoying the food my mind was on the next days schedule.
I needed to
-drop Rachel off at the salon (didn't know where it was)
-pick up the centerpieces from the bridesmaids who would be at the salon
-clean up the mess I had made at the church
-meet the make-up gal, photographers, decorator and the groom and groomsmen and make sure they were all set to do their thing
-I thought the decorator was coming at 11:00 to set up the arch. I called to confirm, she said she wasn't planning on being there until 2:30. I told her I needed her there sooner since we were expecting guests to arrive at 2:00 and the wedding was going to start at 3:00!!
-go to the hotel where the reception would be held and decorate there, centerpieces, candles, favors, table numbers, guestbook table, name placecards... where are the place cards?!?! Text bridesmaid and find out where the cards are. At the house (40 minutes there and back). Someone will bring them to the wedding and we'll rush them to the hotel after the ceremony.
-Back to our hotel to get dresses and grab the baby. (Thank you Brekers for watching her so much!!)
-Pick up Bill, Paul and Alicia.
-Arrive back at the church just in time for the chaos.
-Pin flowers of groomsmen, mothers, fathers, three pastors and a grandma. I couldn't find the other two grandparents so they went without.
Natalie with her dad Larry

First Dance

Arwen enjoying my corsage

Bill was kind enough to put Arwen to sleep so Chris and I could have a dance

The reception ended, we packed up the decorations and went back to the hotel to pack, in bed at 1:30am. Our alarms were set for 4:30am and we needed to be at the port by 5:10am.
Customs. There was a big to do to get on the ferry leaving Canada. An officer came around to every vehicle to check passports and such then Chris needed to go through the office and have them checked again.
We pulled up to the customs on the US side, the agent asked "why'd you go and what to you have to show for it?" Chris answered "A friends' wedding. Some t-shirts and sweatshirts..." "Ok, see you later." And that was it.
We planned on going to the Seattle Aquarium and to go and see my childhood home in Bremerton.
Arwen enjoyed the up close encounters with the marine life.

Part of the ceiling was glass so you could walk under and see the fish

I had envisioned calling the people that lived in the house that I used to live in and asking if I could walk around and take pictures and rekindle the memories. For some reason every time I thought about calling it was as if something were holding me back. I decided that I would just pull up and see what happened.
I was glad I didn't call. The lawn was covered in trash, the raspberry vines were dead and there was trash piled up in the windows. I took one picture from the van and we drove off.

It was a good trip but I'm happy to be back home.
This post is the stories of getting there and back again.
There were three sets of decorations I was making for the ceremony; pew ends, aisle runners, and wreathes to hang on the front doors of the church (these came back to bite me in the end). I also made the favors and was bringing the candles for the tables.
Monday morning I woke up, started breakfast and gathered up the last things I needed to pack. Chris gets off work at 6:30am so if I can get everything together we can be on the road by 7:00am. I fed Arwen as quickly as I could and was out the door by 7:13am.
I was driving the first leg so Chris could get some sleep. I noticed that I forgot to pack the tissues but decided oh well it's not that big a deal. A little over an hour on the road I was walking through the house in my mind making sure I had put away all the perishables since my mom was going to bug bomb the house while we were gone. Thinking about the baby room I had forgotten to move the pack and play but that's ok because the wreathes weren't hanging in there anymore, they were hanging in hallway. WAIT, HANGING IN THE HALLWAY!!! I called my mom and asked her to pack them up and send them to Canada for me.
Ironically if I had turned around and gone back for the tissues when I was just 2 miles away I would have seen them and this whole incident could have been avoided.
Four hours later I'm on the phone with the UPS guy. It would cost $50 just to get to customs on Friday but they couldn't guarantee that I would have them by 3:00pm Saturday. They could get there on Wednesday though for the easy payment of $216. I could buy the materials and make new ones for less than that. I told my mom to skip it and I would make some calls and see who hadn't left town yet. Our pastor, Bill, and his daughter were flying out on Wednesday so I asked him if he would mind taking an extra bag on the flight and I would pay the extra bag fee ($25). Crisis averted but annoying nonetheless.
The rest of the drive was without adventure. Arwen did pretty well. We bought a power converter for the car so she watched movies on the laptop and enjoyed the calming smell of "Peace and Calming aromatherapy".
We spent the night at my cousins house just outside of Seattle. It was great to visit and catch up with her and her husband. I went to their wedding when I was 9 or 10 and after seeing her wedding dress I decided I wanted one just like it or at least off the shoulder, which I did get by the way. Who knows the kind of dress I would have picked out had it not been for her.
We left bright and early the next morning to make it to the ferry in time. While on the ferry I was reminded that I get motion sickness. It wasn't too bad but the next ferry was going to be an hour long not just 15 minutes.
Arwen and me on the ferry from Edmunds to Kingston Washington.

Arwen on the ferry from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC

Going through customs.
I heard that it's really easy to get into Canada but very difficult to get back into the US, I'm not sure about that. You know it's going to be an interesting time if you can't decide if the customs agent is a man or a woman. The agent (ended up being a man, but it was a close call if he didn't have those sideburns) asked us a series of questions and then what we were doing in Canada and we said a wedding and he ask "so you have gifts in the car?" Our answer "no". Which I'm sure he was thinking that we were the cheapest people ever, not taking a gift to the wedding but why should we waste more of the couples time taking the gift back to the US?
We went for a walk with friends down to the fisherman's warf and the bride and groom came over for a visit. I had decided not to tell her about the forgotten wreathes just so she wouldn't worry but that didn't last long when she asked to see all the decorations I brought. I assured her they would arrive on Wednesday in plenty of time.
Wednesday the groom took us sightseeing and souvenir shopping. On our first stop I discovered my camera wasn't working so I ended up using my phone camera.
Parliament building

Where they hold Parliament

That evening I texted Bill to let him know I needed Rachel to try on her flower girl dress before the wedding. Bill didn't have a car so we picked them up and they joined us for dinner and Rachel tried on the dress. We took them back to their hotel and were about to drive off when Bill asked if I wanted the suitcase with the wreathes. HA, how many times can I forget these things?!
They arrived in perfect condition, hooray!
Thursday I decorated the church. The camera still wasn't working but believe me that it looked great!
That night we grilled burgers and the boys went swimming. I wasn't prepared for how much cooler it was going to be, we averaged 20c, that's 68f. When we left Idaho it was 80! I never got in the pool or hot tub.
Friday was a whirlwind of craziness. Rehearsal was at 3 and it went pretty well. You know it's going to be interesting when the sound guy wears hearing aids. :o)
We rehearsed and then to dinner!!! It was at the Macaroni Grill, I've never been but with a name like that you know it's going to be good. I lost count of the courses but my favorite was the last one which was chicken. Although I was enjoying the food my mind was on the next days schedule.
I needed to
-drop Rachel off at the salon (didn't know where it was)
-pick up the centerpieces from the bridesmaids who would be at the salon
-clean up the mess I had made at the church
-meet the make-up gal, photographers, decorator and the groom and groomsmen and make sure they were all set to do their thing
-I thought the decorator was coming at 11:00 to set up the arch. I called to confirm, she said she wasn't planning on being there until 2:30. I told her I needed her there sooner since we were expecting guests to arrive at 2:00 and the wedding was going to start at 3:00!!
-go to the hotel where the reception would be held and decorate there, centerpieces, candles, favors, table numbers, guestbook table, name placecards... where are the place cards?!?! Text bridesmaid and find out where the cards are. At the house (40 minutes there and back). Someone will bring them to the wedding and we'll rush them to the hotel after the ceremony.
-Back to our hotel to get dresses and grab the baby. (Thank you Brekers for watching her so much!!)
-Pick up Bill, Paul and Alicia.
-Arrive back at the church just in time for the chaos.
-Pin flowers of groomsmen, mothers, fathers, three pastors and a grandma. I couldn't find the other two grandparents so they went without.
Natalie with her dad Larry

First Dance

Arwen enjoying my corsage
Bill was kind enough to put Arwen to sleep so Chris and I could have a dance
The reception ended, we packed up the decorations and went back to the hotel to pack, in bed at 1:30am. Our alarms were set for 4:30am and we needed to be at the port by 5:10am.
Customs. There was a big to do to get on the ferry leaving Canada. An officer came around to every vehicle to check passports and such then Chris needed to go through the office and have them checked again.
We pulled up to the customs on the US side, the agent asked "why'd you go and what to you have to show for it?" Chris answered "A friends' wedding. Some t-shirts and sweatshirts..." "Ok, see you later." And that was it.
We planned on going to the Seattle Aquarium and to go and see my childhood home in Bremerton.
Arwen enjoyed the up close encounters with the marine life.
Part of the ceiling was glass so you could walk under and see the fish
I had envisioned calling the people that lived in the house that I used to live in and asking if I could walk around and take pictures and rekindle the memories. For some reason every time I thought about calling it was as if something were holding me back. I decided that I would just pull up and see what happened.
I was glad I didn't call. The lawn was covered in trash, the raspberry vines were dead and there was trash piled up in the windows. I took one picture from the van and we drove off.

It was a good trip but I'm happy to be back home.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A year ago today, part 2
Between 4 and 5 months into my pregnancy I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions. My usual routine was that I would wake up to Braxton-Hicks, eat a little breakfast and go back to bed and they would stop. The week before Arwen was born I couldn't get them to stop with food, rest or water. I called my midwife told her they were lasting 15-30 seconds and 1-5 minutes apart. She suggested that I try taking a shower and we would go from there. She was at a party and said she would go home and go to bed in case I were to call her in the middle of the night. I got in the shower and in half and hour they stopped. Chris and I were going to make a secret code word in case we were apart and I went into labor so that if I called him he would just know to come home. Well, we hadn't done that yet and so I had to be sneaky when I called him to say I had been having un-stoppable contractions for 4 hours. He came home but since the shower nothing happened.
The next evening Chris left for POST and I would see him again on Friday night.
(See "year ago today" for that story)
Saturday morning I wake up hoping that I could skip my early breakfast and just sleep more, but after 15 minutes of Arwen saying it was time to eat I finally got up and ate some cereal. When I got back in bed those stinkin' Braxton-Hicks hadn't stopped and they were getting more annoying. I jokingly nudged Chris and asked him how he felt about a Saturday baby, his response was a tired "what?" and I told him to go back to sleep and that I would take a shower to make the contractions stop.
While in the shower I thought that I would spoil myself and shave my legs with my favorite gel and new razor. Half way through my second leg my water broke and my contractions went from mildly annoying to intense and unstoppable. (9:15am)
I was sad that I wasn't going to make it the next 3 weeks and I started crying. Chris burst into the bathroom asking what was wrong and through my tears I told him my water broke and I couldn't stop the contractions. He smiled, gave me a hug and said "honey, it's ok, we're going to have a baby today." We needed to time the contractions for half an hour before calling the midwife, 1 minute long and 2 minutes apart.
Chris helped me out of the shower and into the kitchen where he started the stew cooking and was looking over the list of things I wanted to be clean before we had a baby. I'm so task oriented that of course I would want to work during labor. I was quite surprised though with how close the contractions were and how much I was less able to walk around. Chris knew it was pretty serious when I told him to forget all the cleaning I was going to have him do before the midwife arrived and focus on me.
Our midwife arrived and did a check up and left me to my pile of pillows on the floor.
Time seemed to fly by. While I was on my bed screaming I said it felt like I had to push. My midwife told me to go for it. Fantastic!! I loved pushing! I can remember hearing my midwife talking to her assistant saying that when I get to 2 she'll check me. Little did I know that I had been pushing for 2 hours and making no progress. She checked me and I saw it on her face, "Margaret we need to get you into the shower and you can't push anymore." (I wasn't fully dilated). I started to cry and cry and cry.
Our water heater lasts 40-60 minutes depending on the pressure and as far as I could tell, half way through something clicked and I knew it was time to push. She wanted me to breathe through some more contractions just to be sure especially since I thought I had to push before.
For those of you who don't know me, I hate being wet. Mostly it's the transition, dry to wet and then having to dry off. I really hate being wet when I'm sick or not feeling up to par. Chris refers to this shower as "the dark times", I was screaming, crying and chanting "I hate being wet, I hate being wet, I hate being wet!"
When I got back to my bedroom and on my bed my midwife said she wanted to check me just to be sure...
Growing up my mom taught me to be a lady and one of the lessons was "a lady never using foul language and is never shocked by it."
I would like to take this opportunity to say that women in labor shouldn't be considered "ladies".
I told me midwife "LET ME PUSH @% IT!" to which she said "ok!" (Chris tells me I said other things during the day but I just don't remember.) After that contraction she checked and said "ok Margaret, it's time". I was pretty sure I already knew that and if I was able to talk I would have said so and congratulated everyone finally being on the same page! (I didn't know I could be so mean!)
A few short pushes and Arwen was out. (4:29pm) Her daddy caught her and put her on my tummy. He tells me how he tied off the cord and cut but I have no other memory besides looking into my beautiful baby's eyes.

The next evening Chris left for POST and I would see him again on Friday night.
(See "year ago today" for that story)
Saturday morning I wake up hoping that I could skip my early breakfast and just sleep more, but after 15 minutes of Arwen saying it was time to eat I finally got up and ate some cereal. When I got back in bed those stinkin' Braxton-Hicks hadn't stopped and they were getting more annoying. I jokingly nudged Chris and asked him how he felt about a Saturday baby, his response was a tired "what?" and I told him to go back to sleep and that I would take a shower to make the contractions stop.
While in the shower I thought that I would spoil myself and shave my legs with my favorite gel and new razor. Half way through my second leg my water broke and my contractions went from mildly annoying to intense and unstoppable. (9:15am)
I was sad that I wasn't going to make it the next 3 weeks and I started crying. Chris burst into the bathroom asking what was wrong and through my tears I told him my water broke and I couldn't stop the contractions. He smiled, gave me a hug and said "honey, it's ok, we're going to have a baby today." We needed to time the contractions for half an hour before calling the midwife, 1 minute long and 2 minutes apart.
Chris helped me out of the shower and into the kitchen where he started the stew cooking and was looking over the list of things I wanted to be clean before we had a baby. I'm so task oriented that of course I would want to work during labor. I was quite surprised though with how close the contractions were and how much I was less able to walk around. Chris knew it was pretty serious when I told him to forget all the cleaning I was going to have him do before the midwife arrived and focus on me.
Our midwife arrived and did a check up and left me to my pile of pillows on the floor.
Time seemed to fly by. While I was on my bed screaming I said it felt like I had to push. My midwife told me to go for it. Fantastic!! I loved pushing! I can remember hearing my midwife talking to her assistant saying that when I get to 2 she'll check me. Little did I know that I had been pushing for 2 hours and making no progress. She checked me and I saw it on her face, "Margaret we need to get you into the shower and you can't push anymore." (I wasn't fully dilated). I started to cry and cry and cry.
Our water heater lasts 40-60 minutes depending on the pressure and as far as I could tell, half way through something clicked and I knew it was time to push. She wanted me to breathe through some more contractions just to be sure especially since I thought I had to push before.
For those of you who don't know me, I hate being wet. Mostly it's the transition, dry to wet and then having to dry off. I really hate being wet when I'm sick or not feeling up to par. Chris refers to this shower as "the dark times", I was screaming, crying and chanting "I hate being wet, I hate being wet, I hate being wet!"
When I got back to my bedroom and on my bed my midwife said she wanted to check me just to be sure...
Growing up my mom taught me to be a lady and one of the lessons was "a lady never using foul language and is never shocked by it."
I would like to take this opportunity to say that women in labor shouldn't be considered "ladies".
I told me midwife "LET ME PUSH @% IT!" to which she said "ok!" (Chris tells me I said other things during the day but I just don't remember.) After that contraction she checked and said "ok Margaret, it's time". I was pretty sure I already knew that and if I was able to talk I would have said so and congratulated everyone finally being on the same page! (I didn't know I could be so mean!)
A few short pushes and Arwen was out. (4:29pm) Her daddy caught her and put her on my tummy. He tells me how he tied off the cord and cut but I have no other memory besides looking into my beautiful baby's eyes.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
A year ago today
A year ago today I was cooking the books out at my grandma's old house. My sister Heather came and had lunch with me. Almost in foresight she asked if she could take a picture of me because she didn't know how much longer I was going to be pregnant and didn't want to miss it. We are all praying for another 3 weeks even though I was due in 2. You see Chris had just started his new job at the prison and needed to be gone for 4 weeks at POST, Peace Officer Standards Training. He was 1 week in and had 3 more to go. He had already planned to be home every weekend. So I guess we were really praying 2 prayers, for the baby to come after Chris finished POST or for her to be born on a weekend.
The fateful picture.

I ate dinner with my parents since Chris wouldn't be back from Boise until later that evening. I remember my dad talking to me and thinking that I was just worn out and really had no idea what he was saying.
Chris ended up getting home later than expected but that didn't matter because Saturday is a sleep-in day. I had already made a list of last minute items I thought we should have at the house before the birth and we were planning to sleep-in and then go to the store and just relax...
The fateful picture.

I ate dinner with my parents since Chris wouldn't be back from Boise until later that evening. I remember my dad talking to me and thinking that I was just worn out and really had no idea what he was saying.
Chris ended up getting home later than expected but that didn't matter because Saturday is a sleep-in day. I had already made a list of last minute items I thought we should have at the house before the birth and we were planning to sleep-in and then go to the store and just relax...
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wedding day part 2
Last week I went to my sister-in-laws wedding.
I was more than pleased when Cindy asked for some help with the planning and decorations. I love to decorate and dream up beautiful things for beautiful events. I had plenty of ideas but to match those up with my tomboy, out doorsie sister-in-law was going to stretch my creativeness. We went for a simple outside-in look for the church and I have to say I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

As if I didn't have a lot to do, I needed a dress for Arwen but the stores were lacking in original cuteness. So on a whim I went to the fabric store and bought fabric and notions and recruited my mom for help in making a dress. I would cut the pattern, mom would sew the pieces on the machine and I would do the hand stitch.
This isn't the best picture but she's just so cute.

The week before the wedding Cindy 100% decided on silk flowers instead of a mix and match. I was relieved because I've never worked with real flowers before and we wouldn't have to keep them alive and wax the ends. I love how well they turned out too. I'll post those pictures later.
Confession time.
Cindy didn't want to go and have her hair done, understandable because if she did she wouldn't look like herself, but she needed something done with her hair I mean come on it's your wedding day! So I offered to do it. I really don't like doing hair, I'm not that good and my imagination is limited. We're at the church and it's time for the hair, thankfully Cindy said she just wanted a simple long braid down the back, I was still praying the whole time though that it wouldn't like a hand less weirdo touched it. It ended up looking great and I put a couple roses in the end and spinner jewels in the top for a final touch.
(The rose fell out)

Aren't they cute?

Note to self: At the next wedding be sure the single ladies aren't facing the sun, they'll never know what hit 'em.

Cindy looked beautiful. Pete was hansom. There's no doubt that he'll take good care of her. I was so proud to be a part of their special day and look forward to the years to come.
I was more than pleased when Cindy asked for some help with the planning and decorations. I love to decorate and dream up beautiful things for beautiful events. I had plenty of ideas but to match those up with my tomboy, out doorsie sister-in-law was going to stretch my creativeness. We went for a simple outside-in look for the church and I have to say I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
As if I didn't have a lot to do, I needed a dress for Arwen but the stores were lacking in original cuteness. So on a whim I went to the fabric store and bought fabric and notions and recruited my mom for help in making a dress. I would cut the pattern, mom would sew the pieces on the machine and I would do the hand stitch.
This isn't the best picture but she's just so cute.
The week before the wedding Cindy 100% decided on silk flowers instead of a mix and match. I was relieved because I've never worked with real flowers before and we wouldn't have to keep them alive and wax the ends. I love how well they turned out too. I'll post those pictures later.
Confession time.
Cindy didn't want to go and have her hair done, understandable because if she did she wouldn't look like herself, but she needed something done with her hair I mean come on it's your wedding day! So I offered to do it. I really don't like doing hair, I'm not that good and my imagination is limited. We're at the church and it's time for the hair, thankfully Cindy said she just wanted a simple long braid down the back, I was still praying the whole time though that it wouldn't like a hand less weirdo touched it. It ended up looking great and I put a couple roses in the end and spinner jewels in the top for a final touch.
(The rose fell out)
Aren't they cute?
Note to self: At the next wedding be sure the single ladies aren't facing the sun, they'll never know what hit 'em.
Cindy looked beautiful. Pete was hansom. There's no doubt that he'll take good care of her. I was so proud to be a part of their special day and look forward to the years to come.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things
My favorite menu items from fast food restaurants.
Wendy's: Home style chicken sandwich plain with cheese, french fries and a chocolate frosty.

Burger King: Chicken sandwich plain.
McDonald's: Chicken sandwich plain with a packet of mayo and a hot fudge sundae.

Arctic Circle: Corn dog and fries with fry sauce and a twist cone.

Arby's: Large roast beef and a vanilla milkshake.
Taco Bell: 2 soft tacos without lettuce or 2 bean burritos without onions and red sauce.
Taco Johns: Same as above except, add a choco taco.

Taco Time: I'm not ready to eat there again yet.
Carl's Jr.: Sorry but I didn't really like it. I think I would get a cheeseburger plain though.
Sonic: Chicken strip sandwich plain with ranch dip and a strawberry cream slush, so tasty.

In 'n out: Never been
KFC: Original chicken breast with a side of corn on the cob and mashed potatoes and gravy.
Wendy's: Home style chicken sandwich plain with cheese, french fries and a chocolate frosty.

Burger King: Chicken sandwich plain.
McDonald's: Chicken sandwich plain with a packet of mayo and a hot fudge sundae.

Arctic Circle: Corn dog and fries with fry sauce and a twist cone.

Arby's: Large roast beef and a vanilla milkshake.
Taco Bell: 2 soft tacos without lettuce or 2 bean burritos without onions and red sauce.
Taco Johns: Same as above except, add a choco taco.

Taco Time: I'm not ready to eat there again yet.
Carl's Jr.: Sorry but I didn't really like it. I think I would get a cheeseburger plain though.
Sonic: Chicken strip sandwich plain with ranch dip and a strawberry cream slush, so tasty.

In 'n out: Never been
KFC: Original chicken breast with a side of corn on the cob and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wedding day
Tomorrow my friend Kristie is getting married.
Some of my earliest memories of living here in Idaho are of her. I can't remember when we met, only that I've always known her.
Our pastor likes to incorporate stories about the bride and groom into his wedding message and it got me to thinking about all the times we shared.
Most of the ones I can think of involve something happening to me that would cause her to laugh.
During the summer I would help her mom, who ran a day care out of her home, and I would take the older kids down to the movie theater once a week for the summer kids movie. What worked out really well was for me to stay the night and get up the next morning we'd all just head out. Being such that we have beautiful summer nights Kristie and I would sleep outside on the trampoline. One of our favorite games was to wrap ourselves up in our sleeping bags and try to bounce the other person higher. (For those of you who've done this you know exactly what I'm talking about, for those of you who don't I would suggest finding someone who does and have the try it out with you while recording it.) Anyway. When we first met I was one and half heads taller than her but by now was well passed me. So we're jumping and it's time to fall, Kristie can't tell this part without laughing, she tells me that all she could see was my sleeping bag flying high into the air and all of a sudden my "skinny little arms" come flailing out in a panic.
We discovered 'N SYNC together. I still prefer the Backstreet Boys though. Brian just turned out so well, who wouldn't love them?
I think of all my friends she's the one I'll be the most silly with.
One time when the youth group went camping... I really don't remember how it came about but I ended up performing a "friendship ceremony" for her and another friend. I wish I could remember how it came about, maybe we were just board, but we had a flower girl, a song and friendship bracelets or something and I "married" them as friends forever. Ah good times. It's fun to be silly.
On another camping trip she went above and beyond when she held my hair as I "lost my lunch" from a freak up-set tummy. I could have held my own hair but she did it anyway. Thanks buddy.
Kristie, you will have a wonderful marriage. You are a true and faithful friend and it's been my privilege to know you like I do.
Some of my earliest memories of living here in Idaho are of her. I can't remember when we met, only that I've always known her.
Our pastor likes to incorporate stories about the bride and groom into his wedding message and it got me to thinking about all the times we shared.
Most of the ones I can think of involve something happening to me that would cause her to laugh.
During the summer I would help her mom, who ran a day care out of her home, and I would take the older kids down to the movie theater once a week for the summer kids movie. What worked out really well was for me to stay the night and get up the next morning we'd all just head out. Being such that we have beautiful summer nights Kristie and I would sleep outside on the trampoline. One of our favorite games was to wrap ourselves up in our sleeping bags and try to bounce the other person higher. (For those of you who've done this you know exactly what I'm talking about, for those of you who don't I would suggest finding someone who does and have the try it out with you while recording it.) Anyway. When we first met I was one and half heads taller than her but by now was well passed me. So we're jumping and it's time to fall, Kristie can't tell this part without laughing, she tells me that all she could see was my sleeping bag flying high into the air and all of a sudden my "skinny little arms" come flailing out in a panic.
We discovered 'N SYNC together. I still prefer the Backstreet Boys though. Brian just turned out so well, who wouldn't love them?
I think of all my friends she's the one I'll be the most silly with.
One time when the youth group went camping... I really don't remember how it came about but I ended up performing a "friendship ceremony" for her and another friend. I wish I could remember how it came about, maybe we were just board, but we had a flower girl, a song and friendship bracelets or something and I "married" them as friends forever. Ah good times. It's fun to be silly.
On another camping trip she went above and beyond when she held my hair as I "lost my lunch" from a freak up-set tummy. I could have held my own hair but she did it anyway. Thanks buddy.
Kristie, you will have a wonderful marriage. You are a true and faithful friend and it's been my privilege to know you like I do.
Sugar rush
Monday, June 15, 2009
Do as I say
I've been giving advice about children for quite some time now. I'll give advice on just about anything; potty-training, siblings, the quiet kids, the loud kids, the ones that don't want to take their naps.
The ladder is the one that has me writing this post after midnight.
I'm pretty firm when it comes to rules and boundaries, for everyone else's kids but with Arwen it's almost like I have to talk to myself to remember how to deal with kids in the first place. I look back at how little Kale and Micah were able to get away with and Arwen is months behind them! It's like I don't even notice her going for things that would possibly land the boys in a time out.
If a parent were to tell me how their child won't go to bed at night and will just cry and cry until they are rescued my response would be "let them cry it out, bury your head under a pillow and let them cry." Now that I have my own reluctant sleeper I can see the other side. Your own child's voice is so different from the other children that you interact with that you can't help but notice their sorrowful little cries. When I finally snapped out of it and said "Margaret, you're not getting any sleep with her staying up all the time because she doesn't want to go to bed, what would you tell a parent to do?' 'Cry it out.' 'Well there you go, do that."
So I have. It's been 10 minutes and she's just about out. By the way, the first time I did it, it took an hour but she still put herself down, slept great through the night and loved me the next morning. Bonus, I got more sleep and she's able to put herself down.
Ah, silence. Good night and have a peaceful tomorrow.
The ladder is the one that has me writing this post after midnight.
I'm pretty firm when it comes to rules and boundaries, for everyone else's kids but with Arwen it's almost like I have to talk to myself to remember how to deal with kids in the first place. I look back at how little Kale and Micah were able to get away with and Arwen is months behind them! It's like I don't even notice her going for things that would possibly land the boys in a time out.
If a parent were to tell me how their child won't go to bed at night and will just cry and cry until they are rescued my response would be "let them cry it out, bury your head under a pillow and let them cry." Now that I have my own reluctant sleeper I can see the other side. Your own child's voice is so different from the other children that you interact with that you can't help but notice their sorrowful little cries. When I finally snapped out of it and said "Margaret, you're not getting any sleep with her staying up all the time because she doesn't want to go to bed, what would you tell a parent to do?' 'Cry it out.' 'Well there you go, do that."
So I have. It's been 10 minutes and she's just about out. By the way, the first time I did it, it took an hour but she still put herself down, slept great through the night and loved me the next morning. Bonus, I got more sleep and she's able to put herself down.
Ah, silence. Good night and have a peaceful tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
While the cats away?
Last week on our anniversary Chris left for his Corrections Emergency Response Team training in Boise and won't return for another couple of days.
I had it in my mind to have the whole house unpacked while he was gone. In my earlier days this would be a two day job and then I would spend the rest of my time watching movies or reading a book. It's not my early days though, I'm a busy mom watching 5 kids in my house full of boxes. When nap time comes I can do the dishes but as far as unpacking goes I need to put things away in the rooms the kids sleep in. At night when Arwen goes to bed I find myself staring at the TV not really watching anything.
There are things in life I've had to work on letting go of.
Several years ago I told Chris I was ready to let go of my abs (I enjoy being in shape) and have a baby.
Every spring and fall I go through my seasonal wardrobe and get rid of the things that I didn't wear. I just had a breakthrough by the way and got rid of a bunch of sentimental clothes, you know the close you keep because they remind you of a person or place in time but you'll never wear again.
When we moved here I gave up my towels being in rainbow order. True, I may go back and re-order them but for now they're sitting in the towel drawer any way they please. The same is true for my closet, I couldn't stand it in Chris' though so his shirts are back in line.
I think my next mountain to over come: I have to let go of my house, enjoy the time with my family and, unpack the boxes at a relaxed pace.
Chris may not come home to a clean house but he will for sure come home to a loving wife and daughter who've missed him a lot.
I had it in my mind to have the whole house unpacked while he was gone. In my earlier days this would be a two day job and then I would spend the rest of my time watching movies or reading a book. It's not my early days though, I'm a busy mom watching 5 kids in my house full of boxes. When nap time comes I can do the dishes but as far as unpacking goes I need to put things away in the rooms the kids sleep in. At night when Arwen goes to bed I find myself staring at the TV not really watching anything.
There are things in life I've had to work on letting go of.
Several years ago I told Chris I was ready to let go of my abs (I enjoy being in shape) and have a baby.
Every spring and fall I go through my seasonal wardrobe and get rid of the things that I didn't wear. I just had a breakthrough by the way and got rid of a bunch of sentimental clothes, you know the close you keep because they remind you of a person or place in time but you'll never wear again.
When we moved here I gave up my towels being in rainbow order. True, I may go back and re-order them but for now they're sitting in the towel drawer any way they please. The same is true for my closet, I couldn't stand it in Chris' though so his shirts are back in line.
I think my next mountain to over come: I have to let go of my house, enjoy the time with my family and, unpack the boxes at a relaxed pace.
Chris may not come home to a clean house but he will for sure come home to a loving wife and daughter who've missed him a lot.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Gift of Time
The time stamp will say it's the 4th but since I haven't gone to bed yet I'm still counting this as the 3rd.
Today is Chris and my's 4 year wedding anniversary.
Looking back at all our anniversaries I can't remember ever celebrating one.
Year 1: Chris was working for a cleaning and restoration company and got called out to a flood. After he returned we went yard sale-ing with friends. I really can't remember if we bought each other gifts or not.
Year 2: Chris' sister and her boyfriend came for a visit and we all went fishing. Gifts that year were new fishing poles. Chris likes to fly fish but I prefer to sit on the dock with my spinner rod.
Year 3: Chris had just started working at the prison and was working from 2pm-10:30pm. We had made plans to go on vacation with friends that week and cut it short for Chris' new work schedule. It worked out real well though because I was 8 months pregnant at the time and probably would have gone on two days worth of outings and then slept the rest of the time. It's hard work growing a baby. I don't think we did gifts that year either.
Today is year 4: Chris has joined the Corrections Emergency Response Team at the prison and today was the day for the newbies to leave for the CERT academy. So we woke up, Chris got ready and I went and dropped him off to leave for 9 days. No plans for gifts.
I celebrate being married to Chris every day. I celebrate his great skill at his job, his need to provide for his family. I celebrate how much he loves to play with our daughter. I celebrate his love for me and how he works so hard to show me everyday just how much I mean to him. Most of all I celebrate his love for our Creator and his willingness to lead this family. He's the best husband God could have ever designed for me.
I love you Chris.
Today is Chris and my's 4 year wedding anniversary.
Looking back at all our anniversaries I can't remember ever celebrating one.
Year 1: Chris was working for a cleaning and restoration company and got called out to a flood. After he returned we went yard sale-ing with friends. I really can't remember if we bought each other gifts or not.
Year 2: Chris' sister and her boyfriend came for a visit and we all went fishing. Gifts that year were new fishing poles. Chris likes to fly fish but I prefer to sit on the dock with my spinner rod.
Year 3: Chris had just started working at the prison and was working from 2pm-10:30pm. We had made plans to go on vacation with friends that week and cut it short for Chris' new work schedule. It worked out real well though because I was 8 months pregnant at the time and probably would have gone on two days worth of outings and then slept the rest of the time. It's hard work growing a baby. I don't think we did gifts that year either.
Today is year 4: Chris has joined the Corrections Emergency Response Team at the prison and today was the day for the newbies to leave for the CERT academy. So we woke up, Chris got ready and I went and dropped him off to leave for 9 days. No plans for gifts.
I celebrate being married to Chris every day. I celebrate his great skill at his job, his need to provide for his family. I celebrate how much he loves to play with our daughter. I celebrate his love for me and how he works so hard to show me everyday just how much I mean to him. Most of all I celebrate his love for our Creator and his willingness to lead this family. He's the best husband God could have ever designed for me.
I love you Chris.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Special things
Today was a heart touching day.
1. A good friend and her good friend have decided to start courting. They are both wonderful people and will be a wonderful couple. I've been praying about them for some time now and it's just good to see God at work in their lives.
2. A couple at church that lost their baby a little over a year ago a week before it was due have a beautiful healthy new born now. She so precious.
3. Another couple that's been trying for years for a baby are expecting their first in November.
4. Our bed sits under a window. Arwen was crawling around on the bed and went over to the window to look out. It wasn't too long before I heard the sound of humming joy. I look over to find Arwen licking the window like you would an ice cream cone. It was dark and the cell phone picture didn't turn out so that's one to hold in my heart.
Babies all around!
I love babies! I love to see them as they learn new things.
Arwen, who is coming up on 11 months, got her first tooth a couple weeks ago. I have to say I was incredibly blessed because had it not been for the fact the I was just doing the quick teeth check I would not have known she was even teething. She wasn't drooling, her cheeks weren't red, she didn't have a fever. So blessed!!
The words Arwen can say clearly, mom, dada and no.
On a side note. The first child I really started baby-sitting professionally turns 13 today. Happy Birthday Mac!
1. A good friend and her good friend have decided to start courting. They are both wonderful people and will be a wonderful couple. I've been praying about them for some time now and it's just good to see God at work in their lives.
2. A couple at church that lost their baby a little over a year ago a week before it was due have a beautiful healthy new born now. She so precious.
3. Another couple that's been trying for years for a baby are expecting their first in November.
4. Our bed sits under a window. Arwen was crawling around on the bed and went over to the window to look out. It wasn't too long before I heard the sound of humming joy. I look over to find Arwen licking the window like you would an ice cream cone. It was dark and the cell phone picture didn't turn out so that's one to hold in my heart.
Babies all around!
I love babies! I love to see them as they learn new things.
Arwen, who is coming up on 11 months, got her first tooth a couple weeks ago. I have to say I was incredibly blessed because had it not been for the fact the I was just doing the quick teeth check I would not have known she was even teething. She wasn't drooling, her cheeks weren't red, she didn't have a fever. So blessed!!
The words Arwen can say clearly, mom, dada and no.
On a side note. The first child I really started baby-sitting professionally turns 13 today. Happy Birthday Mac!
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Buddies
This week we had a barbecue for all the people who helped us move.
In general, I'm not a people person but I've been working very hard to branch out and be around crowds more often so why not host a get together for the 30ish people who were involved. (Thankfully not all of them could be there)
I've really appreciated the new friendships that have blossomed around Chris and I this year. While I was showing one couple the house the wife stopped at the fridge and asked about a picture that I drew for my grandma probably 17 years ago (one of those trace and draw)and she was amazed because she had the same set of tracers. Ah, kindred spirits, maybe we'll have a coloring party. Maybe it's just my mild nature but I think everyone should have friends that they can just sit and color quietly with.
In general, I'm not a people person but I've been working very hard to branch out and be around crowds more often so why not host a get together for the 30ish people who were involved. (Thankfully not all of them could be there)
I've really appreciated the new friendships that have blossomed around Chris and I this year. While I was showing one couple the house the wife stopped at the fridge and asked about a picture that I drew for my grandma probably 17 years ago (one of those trace and draw)and she was amazed because she had the same set of tracers. Ah, kindred spirits, maybe we'll have a coloring party. Maybe it's just my mild nature but I think everyone should have friends that they can just sit and color quietly with.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Farm Town
Well, it's been a little while since my last post. I would like to say that it was due to all the moving. I mean it was a pretty big deal packing the boxes at our place, packing up the remaining items in my grandma's old house, painting and carpeting the new place at the same time finishing the last minute items at the old. That would be a totally acceptable excuse, but alas I was much more focused on playing Farm Town. It's a game on Facebook that I've have become addicted too.
You start out with farm land and 6 plots that are in different stages of growth and then you harvest or hire someone to harvest your crops, sell them in the market place and plant more seeds. The more money you make the more expensive seeds you can buy. You also get experience points for every action, whether you plow your field, help a neighbor who's out of town or harvest someone else fields (you can make a lot of money that way), the points raise your farming skill level and the higher you go the more you can do, for instance I was just able to buy a larger farm, I also have the option to buy a farm house but they don't produce any money so why should I bother?
Yes I am truly addicted, I had to take short breaks while we were moving in so I could check on my farm and harvest my crops.
You start out with farm land and 6 plots that are in different stages of growth and then you harvest or hire someone to harvest your crops, sell them in the market place and plant more seeds. The more money you make the more expensive seeds you can buy. You also get experience points for every action, whether you plow your field, help a neighbor who's out of town or harvest someone else fields (you can make a lot of money that way), the points raise your farming skill level and the higher you go the more you can do, for instance I was just able to buy a larger farm, I also have the option to buy a farm house but they don't produce any money so why should I bother?
Yes I am truly addicted, I had to take short breaks while we were moving in so I could check on my farm and harvest my crops.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cabbages and Kings!
"The Time has Come!" The Walrus said, "to talk of many things. Of shoes, and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings."
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Life in Receipts
While emptying drawers for the up-coming move I found a large collection of receipts. It was neat to look back on purchases from long ago.
I found the receipt for my first and only pair of roller blades. (I still prefer skates). Receipts from trips to Texas, Colorado and Sun Valley. Gifts I purchased for friends. My formal dress for the homecoming dance. My wedding ring. Snacks for parties. Wedding decorations. Hotel reservations for our honeymoon. Home repairs. And baby items.
My adult life captured in a pile of receipts. Happy memories.
Trip to Texas 1999

Trip to Colorado 2001

Cathedral Pines Camp 2001

Homecoming 2002

Our Rings 2005

Our First Home 2005

Our Little Lady
March 2009
I found the receipt for my first and only pair of roller blades. (I still prefer skates). Receipts from trips to Texas, Colorado and Sun Valley. Gifts I purchased for friends. My formal dress for the homecoming dance. My wedding ring. Snacks for parties. Wedding decorations. Hotel reservations for our honeymoon. Home repairs. And baby items.
My adult life captured in a pile of receipts. Happy memories.
Trip to Texas 1999

Trip to Colorado 2001
Cathedral Pines Camp 2001
Homecoming 2002
Our Rings 2005

Our First Home 2005

Our Little Lady
March 2009
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